At a small but mighty gathering of Friends of the A-frame on May 6, volunteers and supporters heard what's left to do at the A-frame, before it can welcome the APAFA's first writer in residence, Katherine Leyton, on July 1.
The yard cleanup is progressing, although there will still be more branches to gather, as additional tree trimming is scheduled.
"There is also the matter of this deck", muses Fina, Matti's dog. Once Matti has replaced the rotted boards under the lakeside windows, the deck which is now sitting on the lawn can be strong-armed back into position. Eight strong backs needed, then evening poetry readings can commence.
And these water-filled ruts (in which robins were bathing yesterday - there's a prize if you can spot the bird in this photo) will eventually become a gentle depression capturing water expressed by the superbly functioning sump-pump. Some spade-work and grass seed required here.
The A-frame still needs some interior finish carpentry (and John is restoring the living room windows; they'll be back in place soon), and donated kitchen appliances will need to be moved into place. Some exterior trim painting needed.
Then...let the cleaning begin. Eurithe and I talked over the campaign yesterday. Once the construction dust settles, we'd love it if you joined us for dusting, hoovering, washing and arranging.
Work parties have been scheduled for two weekends, May 24 and 25, and June 7 and 8.
Hope we see you there. Reminders will go out to our Friends of the A-frame contact list.
Matti our contractor will be conductor. Join the orchestra. Be part of something Purdy.
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